Introduction (History Of Block-based Coding)

Computer programming is a method for these instructions, and computer programmers develop code to solve issues or complete tasks. Block code is a programming element that converts text-based software code into a visual block format to reduce potential errors. Users can construct games, apps, and other programs by dragging and dropping visual block programming representations of text-based code (event listeners, functions, variables, audio, and more) into the code editor.

The first block coding language was developed at MIT in 2003 with the express purpose of teaching school children how to code. Scratch was the name of the language. Since then, dozens, if not hundreds, of schools and children's learning programs have adopted block programming as the most successful method of teaching coding to children. Rather than memorizing, it leaned heavily on visual aids and practical sequential reasoning

Block coding

What do you mean by “blocks?”

The "chunks" or "pieces" of instructions that a user assembles to educate their invention on what to do are referred to as blocks. Sprites move and turn for the sprite itself, other sprites, or a specific position using Motion Blocks.

For example, developers can order a sprite to take 10 steps forward or turn 15 degrees to the right with just one block. Blocks are used to alter the appearance of a sprite. They can be used to make a sprite say or think anything, change costumes or backdrops, or even change the scale or graphic effects of a sprite.

Sound blocks are used to add sounds to a tale or game, as well as adjust sound effects such as pitch and change the level of different sounds.

Block Coding

What is Block Coding?

The puzzle-piece metaphor is used in block-based programming to provide visual indications to the user about how and where commands can be combined and used. Youngsters as young as five years old can use block-based coding environments, but most are targeted at children aged eight to sixteen. The environment stops two instructions from snapping together if they cannot be linked to generate a valid assertion.

What can we create with drag-and-drop block coding?

Kids may let their imaginations run wild with block-based coding in a tool like Scratch, creating an unlimited number of sprites and bringing their creations to life with animation and storytelling.

Scratch, for example, allows children to create:

Clicker games are those in which the player must click something to win points, such as popping balloons. As you click on each balloon, a new one of a different hue appears at a different location on the screen.

Example of a scratch clicker game:

Players control a character who is "chasing" another character or object in chase games. It could, for example, be an octopus attempting to catch a fish swimming around aimlessly on the screen.

Pong games are exactly what they sound like: the classic configuration with a paddle and a ball.

Learn more about Game on Scratch!

Benefits Of Block-based Coding

Benefits of Block Coding

1.Syntax Free Programming

Block-based coding relieves the burden of utilizing complex syntax and allows the programmer to concentrate on difficult areas that logically require more attention. The nicest thing about syntax-free programming, as opposed to text-based programming, is that it avoids simple and minor syntax errors, which unnecessarily increase development time rather than decreasing it.

2. Easy to use

By removing the possibility of syntax errors, block-based coding allows users to focus on the logic of their code. Because nearly no typing is necessary, snapping blocks together helps to prevent spelling and typo problems, as well as numerous syntax errors by preventing blocks from being constructed in ineffective ways.

3. Graphical Programming

Visual programming was intended to assist humans with images, making learning much more simple and plain. Visual programming's purpose is to make programming approachable at three different levels. Syntax eliminates syntactic errors by using icons/blocks, forms, and diagrams. Semantics is the use of metadata to explain the program That is used in the code. Stimulation is the use of visual mechanisms to test the behavior or state of a program.

4. Quick Results

Block-based coding gets the job done faster! Instead of spending time learning how to enter lines of code in highly specific formats, pupils should focus on understanding the core functions of the various blocks. Even if you only know how to utilize a few blocks, you can make a fun game or animation. Making text appear on a screen is a common first step in text-based coding lessons.

5. No need to Memorize huge codes

In a block code environment, each of the puzzle parts can be chosen from a list. The list is usually divided into categories based on the types of activities that blocks perform—math, time, logic, and so on. Unlike most traditional text-based coding languages, where users must memorize all of the rules and code snippets, block programming provides an orderly list of components, allowing users to utilize the language without having to memorize every part.

6. Learning is reinforced through co-creating knowledge.

When students are allowed to share and discuss their work, the feedback they get from their peers reinforces their learning. Know more about the benefits of learning to code!

Block-based programming languages

7.Simple to operate

Block-based programming languages are easy to use. Block-based coding allows children to quickly design a tangible object with which they can interact. This motivates them to continue learning.

Pros And Cons Of Block Coding

Block-based coding is popular among educators for a variety of reasons-

  • The entry hurdle is low. Drag and drop blocks to run the program. Both teachers and students will find it simple to comprehend.

  • Low student frustration: there are no syntax errors, which is a drawback of text-based programming.

  • Easy for New Teachers: There is a well-known scarcity of computer science teachers ( in the US). Teachers who did not major in computer science in college can rapidly take up and understand block coding games for kids.

  • All the concepts of programming are taught in detail. Operators, events, control structures, and more are included.

  • It encourages experimentation. Good programmers aren't afraid to mess about with the code. Block coding for kids is so simple that it urges users to try out a few blocks and see what occurs!

  • Block-based programming has simplified the programming process, especially for youngsters and novice coders.

Few of the cons of block coding are:

  • Text-based coding makes it easier to detect and fix problems because elements of the code are grouped. For young learners, block-based coding offers a more concrete coding experience. Not only on-screen but also in the hands of children with Scratch Cards, a set of cards that provides a tactile, visual depiction of many coding ideas and teachings.

  • There are only a few options for debugging. While Scratch allows for some debugging, debugging in a text-based environment is fundamentally different. A "step by step" debug with breakpoints, for example, does not exist in any block-based program that we are aware of.

  • Block coding

  • A far broader range of data structures is supported. Block coding vs. text coding. What works in block-based coding might pose problems for first-time coders who have never had to worry about syntax errors.

  • Students in a block environment are less likely to test new instructions sequentially. Instead, it's usual for children to assemble a large number of blocks before determining whether or not their instructions are correct. Given the creative and enjoyable nature of using blocks, this is only natural.

Read more: Coding Games for Kids

Examples of Block Code

The fundamental purpose behind block codes is to give the user or recipient of such codes inputs with which they can fix any potential code issues without having to contact the code's source. In telecommunications, the principle is to encode a message in such a way that the recipient may only rectify a small number of errors before the message is considered unacceptable. This operation eliminates the risk of the message being retransmitted, which wastes time and resources.

A variety of block programming types are utilized, including:

Types of Blocks

  • Reed-Solomon codes
  • Hamming codes
  • Sound blocks
  • Motion blocks
  • Loop blocks
  • Hadamard codes
  • Reed-Muller codes

Block Coding Websites for Kids


Cost: Free

Blockly teaches coding to kids through a series of increasingly difficult puzzles that they can solve with the help of intuitive tools. To solve each task, children must drag and drop the code pieces.


Cost: Free & paid

Students can construct their puzzles, games, websites, and apps after completing the lessons. The Tynker website's block-based programming section is completely free to use.

Code. org

Cost: Free

Code. org-For student coders all across the world, is the original home of the popular Hour of Code. It's divided into sections for grades K-5 and 6-12, with interactive instructions and entertaining projects. Students begin by learning block programming before moving on to Javascript, HTML, and CSS.


Cost: Free & paid

Stencyl is a block coding for kids' websites with supercharged functionality! Stencyl's basic block programming language allows users to create games that can be released on a variety of platforms.


Cost: Free & paid

Bitsbox is one of the best solutions for providing hands-on experience to children. Their business strategy is subscription-based, and each month, they deliver a coding-themed project so that, in addition to learning the basics, students can practice their skills on real-world projects.

Game Salad

Cost: Free & paid

It is a more advanced platform than Scratch or Hopscotch, and it's a fun way to get older students interested in coding for kids. The block-based programming framework is especially helpful for those who aren't comfortable with it. Children may make their games by dragging and dropping game items into their workspace and then adding rules to control how the game runs. This stage is ideal for bolstering game design strategies, as well as perseverance and critical thinking.


Cost: Free

Students use VEXcode VR to program a virtual robot to navigate a succession of 3D virtual playgrounds, such as a walled maze, an art canvas, and a grid universe. Students are provided with outstanding challenges by a series of tasks created by educators.

Block-Based Coding Builds Games, Software, & More!


The most popular use of block-based coding languages is to create games. Block programming games can range from simple to complex, depending on the coder. Mazes, clicking games, chasing games, pong games, and even full-fledged adventure games are all possibilities for kids.


For programming, several robotics kits for kids employ block-based coding languages. That means your youngster can program their robot to move, perform tasks, make sounds, and do other things. Several kits also provide you the option of programming in either a block programming-based or text-based language.


The majority of the new to block coding for kids begin by making an animation. Simple animations consist of a single screen with animated characters (sprites) that have motion and/or sound. More complicated animations can span numerous screens and tell a complete tale. Multiple characters, various clothes, dialogue bubbles, music, and many types of motion can all be included.

Learn Block-Based Programming- Conclusion

Codeyoung is an interactive and educational platform for kids who want to learn how to program. One of the most significant obstacles when it comes to block coding for kids is that many people feel it is only for individuals in technical fields. Codeyoung provides an interface through which block coding is accessible and easy to learn for everyone, and anyone who wants to learn it can.

We have mentors that are familiar with the foundations of coding and have begun teaching children to block coding. The concept of the drag and drop option is so straightforward that no prior knowledge of coding is required. You can book a FREE DEMO CLASS for your kids on this platform! The learning aspect of block-based programming language is so engaging and enjoyable that students are constantly eager to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions

1)What is block coding?

Block coding is a visual approach to teaching coding. All the students have to do is click and drag the various code pieces together. This graphic representation of programming is a useful teaching tool for demonstrating how different coding pieces interact.

2)Is Block Coding real coding?

Block-based coding is a good place to start because it will help you understand the fundamentals. Block coding helps you better understand programming logic and design. It is the first step to start text coding later. For novices, a block-coding environment increases learnability. Embedding algorithmic patterns into blocks, favors recognition over recollection and decreases cognitive burden. The blocks also help to prevent errors and improve understanding of the program's structure. After getting used to block-based coding, youngsters can go on to text-based coding, which involves creating lines of code.

3)What is a block code example?

A few examples can be motion and sound blocks. Motion blocks are used to tell a sprite to turn or wave its hand to build its movement. Users can command a sprite to take 15 steps forward or turn toward another character by using a certain block code. Developers can use sound blocks to add music or other sorts of sound to a story or game. Children can alter the pitch or volume of sounds with sound blocks.