
Did you know, according to Wikipedia, there are more than 700 programming languages? I know, it gets really confusing when you’re a beginner.

Forget the process of learning to code, choosing the first language itself is a big task.

Especially when you’re wondering what would be the right programming language to teach your kid. Relax! I’m here to help you out.

I’ll be honest, coding is not as easy as it looks on the surface. But these two languages will reduce half of your burden. YEP! I’m talking about Scratch and Python.

Both Scratch and Python are beginner-friendly and are easy to learn, which is why both are popular today. And the possibilities…. ENDLESS!

Scratch vs Python

Let us dive a little deeper to understand them.

Scratch  VS Python

What are Scratch and Python?

Scratch is a block-based programming language used to create simple, interactive games and animations.

While Python, on the other hand, is a powerful text-based programming language used in developing web, desktop, and mobile applications, it is widely used in the development of AI and machine learning.

Complexity & appeal

Complexity and appeal

As I mentioned earlier, both Python and scratch are the easiest programming languages and are beginner-friendly.

Both these languages have a large community of developers and there are plenty of resources to learn scratch and Python but if your child is new to the world of programming, then scratch would be the best option to choose, because, unlike Python, your child does not have to learn all the functions and then begin the coding process.

Scratch is specifically designed for kids to learn the fundamentals of programming and logic.

It is accessible on the web and your child can create his/ her games by just dragging the blocks of codes in the coding area and start designing the animation or game.

Applications & project potential

So is scratch real coding? Yes, scratch is a programming language, but it is not used to develop huge applications or solve real-world problems.

Whereas, Python is designed to solve real-world problems and develop huge and complex applications and is suitable for those who have some experience in programming and want to pursue building a career in computer science.

Giant tech companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, Uber, etc. use Python to develop various systems and applications.

And that is why Python has a lot of scope and potential compared to scratch.

So, if your child has cleared the fundamentals of programming, has sound knowledge of how programming works, and wants to level up his or her game in coding then Python would be the right choice since there’s so much more they can learn and develop in the process.

Length of project

Both these languages serve different purposes, scratch is developed to create simple, interactive games and animations, and Python is developed to work on real-time applications, AI, machine learning, data analytics, and so on…

Your child can literally develop a simple and basic game or animation using scratch within just a few minutes or hours depending on the complexity of the design without having to learn the codes.

All they have to do is... drag and drop the blocks of codes, which have predefined functions that make coding for kids fast and easy.

Scratch VS Python for kids

Python is time-consuming because there are so many processes involved, like learning and understanding several use cases and functions, designing the app, coding the functions of the app, and testing and debugging to ensure the app works well.

So it may take up to weeks or even months to develop an application using Python. And if it is some major project, then it could even take up to a year.

Which should my child learn first?

I believe you already have the basic idea of this question, but if you ask me, I’d say, it depends.

Is your child new to programming? What are your child’s interests? Is your child more of a creative artist or a logical thinker? Is your child good at math and problem-solving?

It gets overwhelming, I know, but ask your child and try to understand their ability and where they want to begin.

If your child has good knowledge about programming and has set clear goals in his or her mind, then I’d recommend Python.

Or if your child is between the age of 6-12 years, is absolutely new to programming, and wants to start somewhere then go for scratch.

There are many people who don’t know how to program and start learning a language and give up because it gets complicated.

I say go step by step, let your child first learn scratch and master the fundamentals of programming and jump to the next level.

This will give your child an edge over the others, and help them pursue more advanced levels of programming in the later stages.

Similarities between Scratch and Python

Perfect for beginners

Coding for kids becomes easier when the programming languages are designed to be beginner-friendly, and both these languages are great for beginners.

While the purpose of scratch is to introduce kids to the different concepts of coding through highly interactive block-based programming.

Python on the other hand is for kids who are great at solving problems like developing new technologies and want to build a great career in tech.

Countless resources available to learn

These languages are so popular that there are just plenty of resources available that you can refer to while learning,

Scratch has plenty of tutorials and learning materials that are both free and simple to use.

If your kid wants to learn Python programming then he/ she can refer to the official documentation and guides that Python has to offer, other than that you can check out plenty of paid and free courses.

A large community of developers

Scratch and Python have a large community of developers around the globe, there are literally hundreds and thousands of developers who contribute and support so many open source projects. You or your child can check out multiple blogs and forums while developing any project.

Scratch is fun

Scratch is an awesome tool for kids to create games and animations. Your child can play around with characters, add music, build their custom objects, and twist his/ her creativity. Their imagination is the only limit.

Visually appealing and good for animators

Scratch is a visual programming language that helps kids develop games on scratch using a few blocks of codes. The cool part is that these blocks (codes) have pre-defined functions and each block has a color of its own, this helps the kids understand the purpose and function of the blocks.

Kids can easily draw, animate, and create their own stories using scratch. This can further help them learn to use animation software and tools in the future when they grow up.

Scratch is easy to grasp without books, help, or typing ability

Sometimes, even the most experienced and professional programmers get stuck when trying to build an app or a system, and they have to go through and learn the basic steps all over again.

However, in scratch, children can learn while working on the projects, they do not have to go and learn the basics like other programming languages if they get stuck.

Scratch is highly accessible through the web

Scratch and Python for kids

Your child can use scratch from anywhere around the world. The good thing about scratch is that you don’t need high-tech computers to develop and run programs. It works on browsers.

Scratch has hardware extensions that are really neat

Scratch allows you to use hardware extensions, which makes scratch for kids even cooler. They can connect their scratch projects to external hardware and create complete video games on their own.

Python Programming for Kids

Text-based coding, more than block-based visual coding

Unlike Scratch, Python is a text-based programming language where you cannot drag n drop the block codes to create an app. But the best part about Python is its readability. The code is clear and easy to understand, which most programming languages do not offer.

Serious about pursuing computer programming or building an app

Python is one of the most popular and powerful programming languages today. Python for kids is a big advantage because they can learn to work on so many projects like AI, apps, machine learning, data science, and data analytics. They can pursue a full-fledged career in programming and computer science.

Scoring high in math and is not a creative type

Python is a serious business. It is more about developing complex algorithms, applications, and systems that require a lot of logical thinking and mathematics.

From understanding how the code works to developing a finished product. Python is the ultimate game-changer that kids should learn if they want to build advanced tech.


In the journey of Scratch vs Python, both are extremely powerful programming languages and are beginner-friendly and easy to learn.

Pros of learning Scratch for kids

Fun and interesting language to learn the concepts of programming Helps in developing the foundation of programming and logical thinking Easy to learn and available across multiple devices Students can learn animation and create video games using hardware extensions

Pros of learning Python for kids

Advanced programming language, easy to learn, and the codes are readable to programmers Used by giant tech companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc. Plenty of courses and tutorials available One of the most popular and in-demand programming languages today Is used in developing AI, machine learning, app development, web development, advanced computing, etc.

About Codeyoung


Codeyoung is the best platform for your kids to learn coding. We’re an internationally certified program by STEM.ORG.

Every student is certified by the most premium institute in India to recognize their efforts and creativity.

Codeyoung has over 20,000 students across the globe and the top mentors who have the patience and ability to teach children coding in the most simplified manner.

Students also get lifetime access to the learning platform so they can access the course at their convenience and they also have the opportunity to connect with other students across the globe. Learning becomes more fun!

Parents get fortnightly updates about their child’s performance.

24*7 dedicated student success managers are available for you to ensure you get an amazing experience.

What are you waiting for? Book a free demo now!

Frequently Asked Questions

How to start learning Python from scratch?

You can learn Python from scratch by visiting w3schools, it is one of the most popular resources to learn programming. You can also check tons of tutorials on Youtube.

If you want a mentor to teach you and explain the concepts of Python then check out Codeyoung’s Python superstar program where you can learn all important concepts of Python like conditional statements, looping constructs, class, objects, functions, etc.

Is Scratch better than Python?

Scratch is a fun and interactive tool to learn to code for beginners. Python is a programming language used by giant tech companies and professionals. So Python is more advanced and has a lot more potential than Scratch.

Should I start with Scratch or Python?

If you are absolutely new to programming, then start with scratch. It is the perfect tool to learn the concepts of programming.

But if you are familiar with programming and have basic knowledge about conditionals and looping and other concepts, start with Python.

What is the difference between Python and Scratch coding?

Python is a high-level programming language used in developing apps, AI, machine learning, data analytics, data science, and advanced computing.

Scratch is a visual programming language used to create basic games and animations. It was developed to introduce kids to the concepts of coding.

Can you use Python in Scratch?

No. You cannot use Python in Scratch or convert scratch programs into Python. Both are different programming languages built for different purposes.

Maybe in the future advanced compilers and interpreters might have the ability to translate scratch programs into Python.

Scratch Programming for Kids